1940′s Weekend | Event Photography Lancashire

June 05, 2013  •  Leave a Comment
Uniformed man sat on a bench at Ramsdown (Ramsbottom) Steam Railway Station, part of the East Lancashire RailwayUniformed man sat on a bench at Ramsdown (Ramsbottom) Steam Railway Station, part of the East Lancashire Railway's 1940's Weekend in May 2013

Uniformed man sat on a bench at Ramsdown (Ramsbottom) Steam Railway Station, part of the East Lancashire Railway's 1940's Weekend in May 2013

I made it again this year to Ramsbottom for the 1940′s Weekend in May.  For the Saturday and Sunday there had been glorious sunshine and due to work commitments I had to wait until the Monday (27th May 2013) to make my way to Ramsbottom, or Ramsdown as it is know for their 1940′s Weekend and the weather had turned rather cold and grey.  Sadly this meant not many people were about, and definitley not as many people as 2012 on the same day. My images from last year can be seen here on my website.

Above was the only image I got from this brief half hour we spent at Ramsbottom, but an image from last year A 1940′s Embrace’ I entered into a Facebook competition to photograph the Rossendale Business Awards which I won – so all wasn’t lost!  So hoping this year’s image will serve me well.

On second thoughts, a fellow photographer friend Gill Moore has set up ‘The World Bench Project‘ following on from a personal project of her own documenting benches in Chorlton, Manchester.  Gill is inviting people to submit their own images on benches around the world.  I have already submitted this one in Northumberland along with this one in Fleetwood, Lancashire so this latest one will contribute nicely to this ongoing web based project!  If you come across any interesting benches on your travels, why not help Gill with this project too.


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