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PR Shot for THe Grocer Magazine - Sainburys Store Manager in BurnleyGraham Park DJing at the Ellesse Hacienda 25 years event at Harvey Nichols ManchesterExterior Photography of the institute of directors on Pall Mall in LondonInteriors photography for a car garage in CheshireLifestyle Brand Photography showcasing home furnishingsmens still life fashion photography showcasing accessories such as shoes and beltlifestyle product photography on location at an antiques dealership in lancashirefood brand photography capturing home grown produceLifestyle photography captureing flowers on a location in RossendaleStill Life Fashion photography on ghost mannequin Lancashirelifestlye product photography in Whitaker Park rawtenstall rossendalelifestyle headshot photography for financial services in rossendalecorporate brand photography for financial services manchestercorporate business photography for financial services north westcorporate brand photography for financial services LancashirePiers Linney speaking in Whitworth Rossendale in 2019 for Rossendale CouncilEvent Photography at Harvey Nichols Manchester for Stodge PodgeDocumentary Event Photography London at the Institute of Directors on Pall Mall181212_FRG_Christmas_Newcastle-0156